The trade turnover between Russia and China in six months increased by more than 25%
10 August 2017The Federal Customs Service of Russia explained how to return overpaid or paid amounts of customs duties ...
09 August 2017To Finance programs of RECs from the beginning of 2017 allocated 30 billion rubles
07 August 2017Russia will have a new transit transport corridor
04 August 2017Vasily Novoselov: the Trademark "Made in Ugra" is a responsibility belonging to the quality
31 July 2017ACC continued to identify problems in export control
28 July 2017Entrepreneurs of Ugra will take part in a business mission to South Korea
27 July 2017Two coaches of Ugra has defended the status of coach Education project REC two courses
27 July 2017In the first half 2017 performance of agricultural exports increased significantly
25 July 2017Trainers of the Fund "Export Support Center of Ugra" successfully passed training on tax aspects in expor...
24 July 2017