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8 (3467) 388-400

Ugra and Hungary became business partners


  The Ugra Export Support Center Foundation concluded a cooperation agreement with the Hungarian National Trade House, the general director of the organizations Irina Gaichentseva and Jeanette Duchai-Olah signed the memorandum. Such a document on cooperation will allow organizing business missions and meetings of entrepreneurs, both in Hungary and on Ugra land. Both sides are also interested in participating in and organizing various commodity exhibitions on the territory of the two countries. 
  Recall that in October last year, the Department of Economic Development of Ugra, in conjunction with the organizations of infrastructure for supporting entrepreneurship, held a working meeting with representatives of the Consulate General of Hungary in Yekaterinburg. Then the Ugra side presented to its future partners information on the economic potential of the Autonomous Okrug, opportunities and prospects for cooperation. 
  Following the meeting, the Consul for Trade and Economic Affairs, Thimea Endrayter, was interested in developing cooperation with the entrepreneurs of Ugra and expressed her hope for strengthening business relations with Hungarian companies. After 9 months, an agreement that fully met the interests of both sides was concluded.

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