The Russian Export Center and VTB24 presented a special platform for exporters
24.08.2017 August 22, 2017, a presentation of a new platform B2B Business connect - a joint project of the Russian Export Center and Bank VTB24. The platform is created for Russian companies that are interested in selling products and services outside the country.
The purpose of B2B Business connect is to bring together foreign and Russian buyers and suppliers on the same site. The launch of the project should promote the emergence of new export channels for domestic exporters.
At the presentation of the new platform, the following reports were presented:
• a report on the idea of creating a platform for small businesses and the principles of its work from Nadia Cherkasova, who is a member of the board and head of the department for servicing small business clients of VTB24;
• a report on the strategic partnership of the Russian Export Center and VTB24 Bank and their further joint plans in the field of developing and promoting non-primary exports in Russia from Petr Fradkov, the head of the REC group.
Also at the presentation were representatives of exports who already have the experience of successfully promoting their goods and services abroad with the help of a new platform, entrepreneurs who managed to enter foreign markets and gain a foothold in them.
A separate session of the presentation was devoted to the presentation of new tools of VTB24 Bank and REC for exporters:
• logistical support tools;
• tools for customs administration;
• tools for products of foreign trade activities and bank guarantees.
The pilot launch of the B2B Business connect project took place in April this year. At the moment, the system has loaded over 60,000 items. Already by the end of the first month, the bank received 40 applications from customers for transactions, and more than 500 entrepreneurs left their applications on the platform.
Do you export or just plan to sell products and services abroad? Apply for advice and expert assistance to the Ugra Export Support Center Foundation by calling 8 (3467) 388-400 or by e-mail at info@export-ugra.ru.