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8 (3467) 388-400

Until the end of 2017, the EAEU introduce a single product labeling



  A draft agreement has been sent to the domestic agreement, which approves a uniform format for affixing identification tools to goods sold on the territory of the EAEC - the Eurasian Economic Union. This document was developed by the EEC-Eurasian Economic Commission working group. The governments of the states included in the EAEU will familiarize themselves with the draft agreement, then it will have to receive the approval of the EEE Council and again arrive at the heads of the member countries of the union, but for the final signing. It is expected that all these works will be completed before the end of this year. 

  The system of marking of goods, given in the draft agreement, is aimed at achieving a number of objectives: 

• creation of conditions for the protection of consumers' rights;

• protecting the health and life of people; 

• ensuring the legality of trade in all member countries of the EAEC. 

  The document establishes key marking mechanisms for products designed to effectively track the goods that are manufactured and sold on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union. The list of products that will be subject to mandatory labeling is planned to be approved later. This work will be undertaken by the EEC Council. 

  The draft agreement provides for the marking of goods with identity means on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union that will have to meet the requirements of technological compatibility (reciprocity) and machine readability. Information on the marked goods will be recorded in a single register, the responsibility for the formation and management of which will be assumed by the EEC Council. 

  Also, the EEС collegium approved the draft order of the EEC Council, which defines and regulates the procedures for maintaining the tax policy of the EAEU member countries in the field of excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol products. A proposal has already been made to grant the Council of EEC the authority to approve indicative excise rates for these goods, as well as to determine ranges of deviations from them. The rates will be calculated taking into account the current rates of the national currencies of the EAEU countries to the euro. Since 2022, the deviation ranges and indicative rates will be approved for a period of 1 year every 5 years. All these decisions are aimed at providing the conditions for the creation of a single market for tobacco and alcohol products in the EAEU by harmonizing excise rates. 

  The Fund "Ugra Export Support Center" offers entrepreneurs and enterprises of Ugra comprehensive assistance on any issues related to export activities. To contact our specialists, please use phone 8 (3467) 388-400 or e-mail info@export-ugra.ru.

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