Vasily Novoselov: the Trademark "Made in Ugra" is a responsibility belonging to the quality
31.07.2017Director of LLC "Region-K" Vasily Novoselov has told about how to live today the largest regional enterprise engaged in the harvesting and deep processing of wild plants. And shared news that Ugra products will soon be on the tables of the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Thailand.
Vasily Anatolievich, tell us more about your activities? How did the idea of creating a company?
- In 2002, the head of the administration of Konda district asked me to lead the municipal enterprise "Factory", which would be engaged in harvesting wild plants. Then just started the design and construction of a plant for processing wild forest plants in the village Mezhdurechensk, and I took this idea with enthusiasm. The first steps were difficult: there were not enough financial resources, and, of course, competent suppliers. The first time we invited inspectors of wild plants. Volumes were small, at first, was to implement raw, system was simple - "procured – sold." After a year, I've come to understand that municipal enterprise is unsuitable for this activity format. 70% of working time was spent on meetings, tips, reports. Then I thought about creating their own businesses. In October 2005, officially registered the company "Region-K". Now most of the time I spent in the field collections of wild plants, talked with the business partners. Began to take part in thematic exhibitions, there looked to others, shared their experience, adopting knowledge from others. After some time, I've come to understand that the collection and sale of raw materials of wild plants does not bring as much income as could be in deep processing.
- At this point you gave a specific case of work?
- Yes, at that time the Italians bought my meal (cooked white mushrooms). They taught me how to work with this product. Thanks to this contact, our company is closely engaged in the processing of the mushroom, we began to not only collect, but also dried, boiled, marinated. In 2009, we have already received the title of "the Best goods of Ugra " in the nomination "dried white mushroom", in 2010-m to year – the "Best product of Ugra" among white pickled mushrooms. After that we moved to the deep processing of this product. And in 2013, we began to try to process the berry. Just the beginning triturated with sugar, then began to jam. Customers liked the product and we kept working in this direction. Today we are producing about 100 tons of finished products of 20 items. Increased sales geography, we export our products abroad – in Kazakhstan, are now preparing the first batch for shipment to the Kingdom of Thailand.
What activity would you like to focus?
- On wild plants, we cannot imagine ourselves without them. Plans to focus on the manufacture of products made of pine. It is almost a new theme in the production of wild plants, and we the first in Russia began the manufacture of some types of such products.
Can you tell us more about this?
- This year we plan on all the factories in Kondinskiy district to organize the collection of young cones. We are going to produce more than 10 kinds of pine-containing products. The global challenge for the future – any wildflower into the product, ready to eat.
How long have you been working with the Foundation "support Centre for Ugra export"?
- If my memory serves me, we have collaborated with the Foundation since its inception. He first handed us the prize in the nomination "Best stand" at the fair "Goods of Ugra land" in the field of wild plants.
Can you tell me about how You helped the Foundation "support Centre for Ugra export"?
- You know, the support of the Fund not be measured by any equivalents. Helped us financially, methodically, advised on emerging issues. At present the situation is such that we don't have to look for help and support, the Foundation works to advance and he offers some form of cooperation. A few years ago it would have seemed unthinkable, but this is indeed the case.
How long has your company is the owner of the trademark "Made in Ugra!"?
In 2015 our company received the right to use the trademark "Made in Ugra". Almost immediately we began to label this mark all its products. This has a positive impact on sales, especially in the southern regions of the country.
What are the benefits of using a trademark?
- First of all, this sign gives us more responsibility for the quality of their products. At the same time we are proud to live and work in Ugra. Almost all Russian exhibitions to the stand of our region, the increased interest among visitors. By buying our products, and seeing the sign "Made in Ugra", consumers can be confident in its quality. This sign, belonging to the quality.
You intend to obtain the right to use the trademark in the future?
- We can't imagine our products without marking the trademark "Made in Ugra", so if you trust us with the right to have these familiar and we will be happy to continue to produce goods with such mark.
Share plans for the future?
- Plans for the future are simple: to increase output, expand the geography of sales, including foreign, and not lose their position on the quality of the products.
What else would you like to tell us?
- I take this opportunity to thank all those involved in the formation and successful work of our company. Can't say about your main partner Larisa Vinnikova. She took an active part in the formation and operation of the enterprise. Some products – this is her own design. And today it continues to play a key role in the production of its products.
Background: To date, the company produces dried, salted, marinated mushrooms, jam pine cones, pine honey, jams, pine pasta. All products are packaged in packaging premium. Harvesting and gathering is done mostly on the territory of Konda district. For the period procurement of the company in each settlement works collection point that allows you to quickly lead the acceptance of wild plants and subsequent primary processing. The main suppliers of wild plants is the population of the district. The company has its own production facilities for processing, storage and transportation of products from wild plants.