Simplified procedures and reduced the time of receipt of the state support of exports in the framework of the project of work of trade missions.
14.07.2017The Foundation "support Centre for Ugra export" informs entrepreneurs who want to break into foreign markets or to expand its representation abroad, simplifying the procedures and reducing the time of obtaining non-financial support of export under the project sales offices in different countries.
The trade mission work with foreign trade projects in two formats:
- "terms of reference". Is to search buyers and partners for realization of Russian goods, services, works in the presence of trade missions by assessing the demand for the products;
- "passport project." Is to perform complex actions aimed at specific financial result: the signing of agreements, contracts, supply of products for investments, etc. Work in this format is conducted after identifying demand for products or services in a particular country, which ensures high chances of successful implementation of the project.
Working with foreign trade projects, trade missions perform a variety of procedures to help Russian business: from identifying prospects of the project in a specific market and risk assessment to support the participation in tenders and assistance in negotiations with potential counterparties. The activity is conducted in cooperation with the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation and regional authorities.
To make the work of trade missions with foreign trade projects more effectively called a number of measures taken by the Ministry of economic development:
- optimization of the list of information provided by the initiators of the foreign economic projects;
- simplification of procedures for filing applications for non-financial state aid to export in the following formats: "technical specifications" and "passport project";
- improvement of the mechanism of control of implementation of foreign economic projects;
- reduction of terms of consideration and implementation of requests from the initiators of foreign economic projects.
To get detailed consultation on non-financial state export support and training materials for preparing technical specifications or passport of the project for the trade missions, please contact the experts of the Foundation "support Centre for Ugra export" by phone 8 (3467) 388-400 or email info@export-ugra.ru.