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Success story. Ugra wild plants on the international market!


  For many years the holding company  «Commonwealth» is engaged in realization of prepack  and also procurement of wild plants. Gifts of Siberian  here are added to many foods beginning from mayonnaise, ending with the honey. A comprehensive approach to the production estimated by the director of economic development Department of Yugra – Pavel Sidorov, the general director of the foundation «support centre for Ugra export» Irina Gaychentseva. In September 2016, and  «Center of Siberia», which is included in the Sodruzhestvo holding, won a medal at the international exhibition WorldFood Moscow 2016, which was organized by the Foundation  «support Centre for Ugra export». With the support of the Foundation, the company participated in a business mission in Yerevan. Interest in Ugra products showed one of the Armenian companies, whose representatives have expressed a desire to see cedar jelly and oil on the shelves of their stores. The international market will allow Nizhnevartovsk business to generate new clients and expand opportunities. Products from the Siberian gifts competitive. This confirms the high quality and reasonable price.

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