The results of the business visit at WorldFood Moscow.
21.09.2016 Report on business mission to Moscow international food exhibition WorldFood Moscow.
11-15 September 2016 entrepreneurs from Khanty-Mansiisk Autonomous okrug took part in Moscow International exhibition for food world food Moscow, held in Moscow. Food exhibition WorldFood Moscow is the main event of the fall, which is attended by the leading manufacturers and suppliers of food products, representing the Russian and world food markets. The exhibition includes 12 thematic sections.
Yugra was represented by 3 enterprises: LLC «Center-Siberia», the company is engaged in processing of cedar nuts since 2012, PE Krivonos N. Yu., specializing in the production of meat products and ice cream, and LLC «Tea house «Clean», the company produces fireweed, a traditional Russian drink made from fireweed angustifolia, growing on the territory of KHMAO-Yugra.
At the first day of the exhibition businessmen of Autonomous okrug is actively represented its products in foreign and Russian companies. Exhibitors from Iran, Armenia, Kazakhstan and China highly assessed the quality of products of LLC «Center-Siberia», namely pine pastas and unique product company, cedar condensed milk. Foreign and Russian visitors to the exhibition learned about all the benefits of Ugra Ivan-tea and tasted several varieties.
The company LLC «Center-Siberia» have nominated their products at tasting contest «product of the Year» in three categories: in the category of oil-fat products nominated cedar oil, in category pastry - nominated pasta of cedar, and in the category of preserving - condensed milk cedar. The competition was conducted by an independent expert commission, composed of leading specialists of the industry. The aim of the competition is the identification and promotion on the Russian market of quality food. Representatives of the company LLC «Center-Siberia» and PE Krivonos N. Yu. took a participated in the retail-center, direct negotiations with representatives of Russian and foreign retail chains on the delivery of the products on the shelves of leading stores.
Second day was no less saturated. Representatives of the company LLC «Center-Siberia» and PE Krivonos N. Yu. continued participation in the retail centre, the results of which company of Ugra has set for itself a possible trade network for cooperation from various regions of Russia and CIS countries. Held several individual meetings with representatives of business community of Italy, Germany, China, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. According to the results of individual meetings by the company «Center-Siberia» and PE Krivonos N. Yu. agreements were concluded to promote their products on the markets of China, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.
The third day of the exhibition, representatives of business Autonomous okrug had been working with entrepreneurs from China. During the meeting the parties discussed payment terms, logistics and other conditions of foreign trade contracts. Representatives of Chinese companies praised the quality of the Ugra products under the brand «Made in Ugra» and at the end of the day it was signed 2 contracts for the supply of products of the company «the Center-Siberia» and 1 contract for the supply of products PE Krivonos N. Yu. to the Chinese market.
On the last day of the exhibition the company LLC «Center-Siberia» met with the Italian company, the meeting discussed the terms of delivery of cedar nut in Italy, currently being negotiated and discussed the terms of the contract. Representatives of the company PE Krivonos N. Yu. signed a contract for the supply of products in Kazakhstan.
On the third day of the exhibition held a ceremony of awarding the winners of the tasting contest «product of the Year». The contest cedar oil and cedar paste LLC «Center-Siberia» received the bronze medal in their respective categories, and cedar sweetened condensed milk took first place and received the gold medal of the competition. Ugra, the company received the right to use the medal logo on the label of their products, which will be located near the regional brand «Made in Ugra».
In the result of business mission of the company LLC «Center-Siberia» signed 2 contracts to supply products to China , as well as 4 agreements for the promotion of their products with companies from China, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. The company Krivonos N. Yu. signed a contract for the supply of products in Kazakhstan and a contract to supply products to China, and 2 of the agreement on the promotion of its products in the markets of Kazakhstan and China.
Summing up, the delegation welcomed the results of the business mission and noted the importance of such events as a tool to support the activities of the export-oriented small and medium-sized business Autonomous okrug, as they provide the opportunity to find potential partners, open new markets and obtain recognition of the quality of its products by professional experts.