Foundation «Support Centre for Ugra export» organizes a business mission to Budapest
Date: 05.-09/04/2017.
Business mission will be in framework of the international exhibition of the construction industry "Construma 2017".
Priority branches of the exhibition:
-raw materials and foundations;
-walls and auxiliary structures;
-roofs, roofing structures, insulation materials;
-doors, windows and headsets for them;
-interiors, finishing and decorative works;
-prefabricated houses and buildings;
-tools and equipment, woods, shutters;
-construction machinery
The business mission is conducted by the Foundation "Support Centre for Ugra export". Foundation will pay for flights and accommodation for flights and accommodation, as well as for meetings and exchanges of contacts with representatives of the Hungarian business.
Contact person responsible for the organization of the business mission from the Foundation "Support Centre for Ugra export":
Kalinin Ivan
Phone: + 7 (3467) 388-402, + 7 (912) 515 48 94, e-mail: kid@export-ugra.ru.