
Region-K LLC
Address: 10 Voroshilova St., Mezhdurechenskii, Kondinskii district, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra, 628200
Phone: +7(34677) 32 259
About us
The Company specializes in purveyance and processing of wild herbs that mainly grow in the Kondinskii district of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra. Each settlement opens a reception center in the procurement season where the wild herbs are quickly collected and undergo initial processing. The key suppliers are the local population. The Company has own production facilities for processing, storage, and transportation of the wild herb products. Product description: The products are made under the Dary Lesa (Forest Gifts) brand name. The main activity is purveyance and processing of wild herbs. The Company offers over 40 types of products, as well as berries, mushrooms, and nuts. The dried and marinated cepes were acknowledged as the best products of Ugra and won the National Recognition nomination. Sixty per cent of the products are the share in the premium segment. The Company regularly participates in the regional, inter-regional and All-Russia exhibitions.