ДОБ. 123, 121

8 (3467) 388-400

International Dairy Business Forum for Milk Producers and Processors


Dear businessmen! We inform you that the International Dairy Business Forum for Milk Producers and Processors (hereinafter - the Business Forum) will take place on September 11-13, 2018 in Sochi.

The event, held in the Krasnodar Territory since 2000, and since 2014 organized by the Dairy Union of Russia, as a rule, is attended by more than 300 representatives and participants of the dairy industry from Russia, countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Moldova, France, Germany and other countries.

The following events are scheduled within the Business Forum:
Plenary session; 
International conferences (reports of leading specialists in the dairy industry);
 Round tables;
Exhibition of Dairy Industry Achievements in Russia and the World;
International competition of dairy products "Milk Success"; 
Gala reception;
Presentation of the annual Dairy Industry of the World and the Russian Federation (2018-2019). Detailed information about the event is available on the website www.dairyunion.ru. If you want to take part in the Business Forum, contact the staff of the Foundation “Support Centre for Ugra Export” by phone: 8 (3467) 388-402 or by e-mail: mii@export-ugra.ru contact person: Mayamsina Inna Igorevna.

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